Category Archives: Allgemein

MIPS 2030 – Home Improvements

This is the last post about improvements for the MIPS RS2030 – but it will be open-ended and updated as time/project goes by.

After the resurrection of this little workstation I still wasn’t totally satisfied. As said, the console is a strange 2/3 box and obviously running in an unaccelerated slow-scrolling graphics mode – every 80286 PC console is faster.
So for starters, I switched to a remote session. Luckily the network-setup was, while yet primitive, very easy. Definitely sufficient for telnet and ftp – remember, we’re roughly in the year 1990 and the world is pretty much black-hat-free… and so is my LAN, so I don’t care.

The X marks the spot!

Hey, we have a mighty frame-buffer, made for 1280x1024x8 pixels, so what’s more natural than running X-Window?!
MIPS actually sold “RISCWindows” separately for mucho $$$. It was an “optimized” X11R4… well, while the frame-buffer (i.e. no acceleration) isn’t anything special I really wonder what had been optimized?

Time for “real men™”, let’s install X11! And just because we can, we pick X11R5 because it fits the time around 1992. Around then I did the same for a SPARCStation 1… memoriiiiiiiies.

So I downloaded the X11R5 sources and very soon some new behaviors kicked in. A 16MHz machine is not the fastest kid on the block. Combined with the RS2030 lame I/O performance file decompression is a drag. So it’s actually much faster to copy an uncompressed tarball over the slow 10mbps line than having a smaller file transferred quickly and then let the 2030 chew on it forever (ah, and there’s no gzip out of the box – you’d have to gunzip & compress it on another machine before).
After the 200MB were moved over I was delighted to find a config file being part of the source. Let’s have a check:

make World BOOTSTRAPCFLAGS="Mips" >& world.log

gave an instant error… the crappy RISCos sh does not know about redirection of every output into one file  😐 So I had to make sure it’s using csh… and while were at it: You have to switch the system to BSD mode (vs. System V). This can be done by putting /usr/bsd43/bin into your $PATH before anything else.

Traps and hints

Many makes later I wondered why make always remade all objects.  Reading Imakefile and many Makefiles did not light a bulb. Then there it was –facepalm– all source-files hat a creation date of 2018 because I unzipped and compress‘ed them on my Mac. And while the tools and libs on RISCos aren’t Y2k aware, the filesystem sure is. Doh!
Memo to myself: Touch all source files once before running make! Remember, we’re in 1999 on this system. This is important because a full make of X11R5 takes 6hrs on the RS2030!

Every now and then the Mips cc barfed on some code. From old newsgroup posts I learned that nobody were able to compile R5 out-of-the-box. And nobody who managed it was kind enough to post their changes. So I had to reinvent the wheel…
During this journey I stumbled across a more recent “graphics driver” source from MIPS (ddx in X11-lingo) which I incorporated into the sources – and fixed the bugs which it introduced…

One day (and night) later, the black screen of my RS2030 flickered into white, then grey and… taadaa:

X11R5 as vanilla as it gets, runing the classic twm window-manager. The lower xterm shows hwconf, the grandfather of IRIX’ hinv.
Currently I’m fighting with fvwm – this would be a good window-manager given it’s about the same size as twm but much more versatile.

My complete X11R5 build is available as tarball here – 90MB, ~300MB decompressed. Better have a big hard-drive 😉
Un-tar to/usr/src, make sure your date is set beyond that of the files in the archive. The archive is ‘un-cleaned’, i.e. all binaries and objects are still there. This way you can just call make install to install this build onto your system – or make adjustments to sources without having to wait half a day for the compile run to finish.
Again, you will need a RISCos 4.5x system – it does not make any sense on any other system than a MIPS box!

Make yourself even more comfortable

Many years of Linux and other grown-up UNICES make using RISCos very…. tedious. The standard shell is IMHO a serious pain… the supplied csh makes life better but still, it could be better.

So here’s a (growing) archive of tools I was able to compile or dig out somewhere in the depths of the web. As soon as I got gcc working reliably this archive should grow faster providing more improvements:

  • Mosaic (2.4 & 2.7b4)
  • amd
  • color_ls
  • elm
  • fvwm (2.0.42 – prebuilt for RISCWindows, does not run with “my” X11R5 compile)
  • gcc.2.7.2 & lib
  • htadm
  • htimage
  • httpd
  • in.cfingerd
  • in.pop3d
  • libfpvm3
  • libgpvm3
  • libpvm3
  • lsof
  • make (3.75)
  • nslookup
  • perl (5.004b)
  • pgp
  • pvm
  • pvm_gstat
  • pvmd3
  • pvmgs
  • sendmail (8.9.0)
  • ssh (etc. see the archive README)
  • wu-ftpd (2.4)
  • xpm (3.4g)

You can download the above mentioned binaries as tarball over here. Please mind, they’re totally useless if you don’t have a MIPS RISCos 4.x machine.

Hardware mods

There’s not much to mod here – especially given that replacement parts are hard to get in case something went wrong.

I tried to replace the very loud fan inside the power supply. But this did not work out as well as it did e.g. with my Sun Blade 150.
This is mainly due to the fact that this single fan not only cools the PSU but the whole system and thus needs quite some static-pressure which simply can’t delivered by standard PC fans.
If interested, read more about cooling vintage workstations in this post.

Buy an ATW800/2


As explained on the main post, there are two basic models available: Either Mega-ST or VME-bus (Mega-STE & TT).
Each of them can be additionally equipped with a “real” Transputer interface, so you can plug in 2 Transputer Modules (aka TRAM) and/or connect a Transputer farm externally.
This interface adds an extra 10€ to the base price resulting in this little pricelist:

Mega ST 165€
Mega ST+T 175€
VME 155€
VME+T 165€

I consider these prices to be very “power without the price“ish and given I’m not a business but just an Atari enthusiast, I will not make profits from this.
Actually I’ll cover my initial costs of 4 previous card revisions and beta-cards. Beyond that, every extra Euro will go into the creation of next projects 😉

For fairness sake I’ll initially accept orders for just one card per person for this batch.
I know, many of you have more than one Atari and like to enhance them all. That way as many users as possible can get their hands on a card.
But you can add your interest for a 2nd card which I will take into account if there are slots left when shipping will start.

The first batch of 50 is fully reserved. Please do not enquire until the 2nd batch has been announced.


It’s 2025 and shipping prices are just exploding. I am shipping from Germany as trackable package only.
Also I chose the box dimensions that way, that it snugly fits into DHLs shipping categories. It weights about 250 grams (that’s 0.55lbs or 8.8oz or 0.039 stone – no idea what’s that converted to Ningi 😉 )

Shipping into the European Union is relatively affordable with  14€ (Just in case, for Germany it’ll be 7€ as “DHL Paket”)

UK and Switzerland will be 20€ then.

   The US, Canada  and Australia can choose between 24€ if you’re patient(*) or a whopping 50€ which will be priority shipping.

*) I had shipping times from 10 to a hefty 60 days. Totally random, no idea what influenced the one or the other.
Other countries, please contact me – I’ll check for the cheapest solution.

If there are import taxes or some foolish ‘tariffs’ applied in your country, that’s up to you to pay these. Sorry, that’s how it works – not like the some people think.

The list

This is the list of people having explained their interest on one of these forums

Sorted in the date/time order they posted it. If you don’t have an account there, put your request into this pages comments (need an email address then!), I’ll sort it in.

As soon as  production and shipping starts, I will contact those in the list asking for payment (preferably PayPal for friends or -in Europe- SEPA bank transfer) and address.
Should you have changed your mind then, I’ll ask the next one in line. Please answer within 48hrs, else I will also ask the next in line.

Name Forum 1st choice 2nd choice Status
1 tin a-f VME+T interested
2 tofro a-f Mega-ST interested
3 ccarl84 a-f VME+T interested
4 Shoggoth a-f Mega-ST+T interested
5 artik-wroc a-f Mega-ST+T interested
6 stormy a-f VME+T interested
7 donapple a-f VME+T interested
8 darklord a-f VME+T interested
9 frost a-f VME+T interested
10 LarryL a-h VME interested
11 Cyprian a-f VME+T interested
12 Lizard a-f VME+T interested
13 DoG a-f Mega-ST+T interested
14 JezC a-f Mega-ST+T interested
15 dbsys a-h VME interested
16 Wayne123 a-f VME+T VME+T interested
17 Devander a-f VME+T Mega-ST+T interested
18 Theo a-h VME+T interested
19 Wosch a-h VME Mega-ST interested
20 viking a-f VME+T interested
21 TJ Ferreira (AtariSociety) a-a VME+T interested
22 ggn a-a VME+T interested
23 Dbug a-a VME+T interested
24 swatcop a-f Mega-ST+T VME+T interested
25 haelix a-f VME+T interested
26 tuxie a-h VME+T interested
27 Johannes a-h VME+T Mega-ST+T interested
28 szeremiocki a-f Mega-ST+T interested
29 jeloneal a-h Mega-ST+T interested
30 tost40 a-h VME+T interested
31 R^2 a-h Mega ST+T interested
32 ZeroG1972 a-f VME+T interested
33 Götz local Mega ST+T interested
34 Sabatini Giorgio local VME+T interested
35 Count a-h VME interested
36 egrath a-f Mega ST+T interested
37 Hempsa a-f VME+T interested
38 mrbombermillzy a-f Mega ST+T interested
39 scsilord a-f Mega ST+T interested
40 joejoe a-h VME+T VME+T interested
41 tolot a-h VME+T interested
42 cyberish a-h Mega ST+T interested
43 Panagiotis voulasikis local VME+T interested
44 Krupkaj a-f VME+T interested
45 atariotos a-f VME+T interested
46 leech a-f Mega ST+T interested
47 JohnnySlick a-f VME+T interested
48 kodak80 a-f Mega ST+T interested
49 neogain a-h Mega ST+T interested
50 Ernst a-h VME+T interested