Category Archives: Hardware

Mandelbrot and Video

Like with the C64, this is probably the reason you came here:

The friggin’ fastest Mandelbrot displayed on a IIgs, ever! 😉

Yeah, you’re right, it’s not the fastest Mandelbrot calculated by an IIgs (its very own 65c816 CPU, that is)… but hey, it’s still kinda cool – and sooooo much faster!

Okey-Dokey, here we go, a complete Mandelbrot in 60s. This time in colorand zooming in! I couldn’t do that on the C64 as the C-Compiler didn’t natively support IEEE754 doubles (like Orca-C does) and having a mouse also helps a bit, too:

Wow, that was nice, wasn’t it?! (Sorry for the shaking, need to get a tripod soon)
Especially when you take in concern how ‘far’ the native 65c816 code got during the video on a ‘sped-up’ 10MHz TransWarp GS.

Like with the T2C64 version there are surely several things which could be improved, but the IIgs (even at native speed) is well capable to handle the little bit of extra work. The limiting factor is the bus-speed, i.e. how quick the Transputer can push his data into the host (IIgs). You can clearly see that by the time it took the display the 3 zooms: They all took about 60 seconds, even each zoom means more calculations as the iteration is doubled each zoom, in this case 32, 64, 128.
The Orca-C source/binary of this demo -and the previous AppleSoft sample- is available here (zip’ed PRODOS disk-image). It won’t make much sense without a T2A2 and is GS/OS-only as it uses QuickDraw II and the EventManager (for mouse & keyboard).

Final words: Don’t get too excited about the acceleration of the IIgs… it’s not accelerated at all. It’s more like a co-processor attached to it. And even then, you’ll need something really calculation-intensive to justify the time you’ll loose due to communication between the Apple and the Transputer. A single square-root for example wouldn’t make much sense.
But OTOH, that’s exactly things are handled with the Innovative Systems FPE (using a M68881). So it might be worth evaluating. Maybe I’ll write a SANE driver if I have the time to get a deeper understanding of GS/OS.

As my two targets (C64 & Apple II) are working now, I’m thinking about creating a ‘real PCB’ in the medium term. Given the rarity of the Link-Adaptor (Inmos C012) I’m currently looking into the possibility to use a larger CPLD to move the C012 into that. This would actually make this ‘project’ a product to buy.
But don’t hold your breath, need to get an eval kit first. Then some 100 days of fiddling, cursing and crying… and then more.

well, 6 years later it happened: The T2A2 became a proper PCB design… and got some additions too!

NCD X-Terminal

The 88k CPU family wasn’t only used in workstations/servers. They also found their way into some X-Terminals, like those from NCD.

By a lucky incident I got my hands on an NCR 17c, a colo(u)r X11 Terminal featuring an 88100 @ 20MHz. All of the sudden I developed the sick ambition to run a “pure 88k X11 system”, so this NCD would be my display to start with. This is what the boring box looks from the inside:


After some searching I found the necessary “NCDWare” i.e. the boot-images and everything needed to get an X-Terminal running (Get it here). After some DHCP, tftp and NFS fiddling I had the latest and KDE running in glorious 1280×1024 at 256 colors. But the host (In “X talk” that’s the client) was still running on an Intel x86 architecture. Yuck! (old layout) in Konquerer running on the NCD X-Terminal:


Yes, it’s the Terminal (Whopping 40MB data and 12MB code RAM):


So out went the incredible fast MVME197LE and I compiled a rudimentary on it… 2 days later that compilation was done: xdm on 88k, X11-Server on 88k. Ahhh, 88k purity 😉

Dissection time!

Ok, as I’m probably the last person on this planet fiddling around with the NumberSmasher i860, it was either “help yourself” or bust.

Given the fact that there’s an INMOS C012 on the card I tried my luck with the standard address of 0x150 and checked it with DOS’ crappy old ‘debug’. To my surprise I was able to talk to the C012, so it was very worth to investigate further.
So out went the good ol’ EPROM programmer and the EPROM of the card was dumped into a file.
I have 3 of those boards, two having a label on the EPROM saying “v1.1” and “BOOT_B2”. Both are identical… if you happen to own a NumberSmasher with a different label, get the dumpfile here for comparison.

That was easy, now the harder part: Disassembly. I had to revive my i860 machine language skills again, so it took me 2 days (on and off) to get a full understanding, what’s happening in there.
For those i860 assembly geeks among you, here‘s the fully commented code.

This “BIOS” is actually pretty simple. It’s just what I’d call a “PeekPokeStarter”. The main loop is waiting for a ‘command’ coming in by the way of the C012. This command can be either “0” or “1” as mentioned in the article on the previous page.

“0” means POKE (ie. write) and expects 4 bytes for the address and 4 bytes of data to be written (Both LSB first, Intel-style). So the full command reads: 0 00 00 00 20 78 56 34 12 or “write to address 0x20000000 the value 0x12345678”

So in consequence “1” means PEEK (ie. read) which just needs 4 bytes for the address to be read. The command would then be 1 00 00 00 20 or “read from 0x20000000”. The “BIOS” will then put 4 bytes to the C012 port at 0x150, which requires 4 reads from the PC side getting “78”, “56”, “34” and “12”.

Pretty simple, huh? But how can I start a program after it’s been painstakingly poked into the NumberSmashers RAM? Here’s the trick:

Poking to address 0x00000000 means start from the address given as data. E.g. “write to address 0x00000000 the value 0x20000000” is actually “start from 0x20000000”, or as command-chain: 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 – so beware of poking to 0!
Also, starting a program seems to disable the EPROM, so communication to the C012 is cut off if the running program isn’t handling this itself.

That’s about it. Nothing more in the “BIOS”… that’s why only 495 bytes(!) of the 8K EPROM are actually used. This simplicity leads to a very simple memory-map:

Base =  0xF8000000
C012-InData = [base] + 0x07
C012-OutData = [base] + 0x0F
C012-InStatus = [base] + 0x17
C012-OutStatus = [base] + 0x1F

Next task: Get a program running on the NumberSmasher.

[11/11/10] Great News…again! It was easier than expected… the first program running on the NumberSmasher-860! So read on in the next post…

Run Forest, run!

After having figured out the basics, it was time to prove the concept. First, I needed a (simple) program to run on the NumberSmasher. Here it is, reeeeally simple. It’s just an excerpt of the original 77 assembly lines. If you’re interested in the whole thing, it’s here.

The main-loop is just this. Read a byte from the C012 link, add 1 to it and write it back to the C012:

mov    iobase, %r4

  call    getlink        # (watch following delay slot!)
   shl    %r0, %r4, %r16    # mov r4, r16 - save base address

  addu    1, %r16, %r17    # add 1 and move into r17

  call    putlink        # (watch following delay slot!)
   shl    %r0, %r4, %r16    # mov r4, r16 - save base address

  br        loop

What a task for a “Cray on a chip”! 😉 Ok, putting this into the assembler (currently gnu-as on Linux), linking and finally making it a pure binary with ‘objcopy -O binary hb_test.cof hb_test.bin‘ I got this binary.

How do I get it into the NumberSmasher? Again, that required a bit of coding… say Hi to nc_load.exe.
This little tool loads a pure i860-binary, pokes it into the NumberSmashers RAM and optionally starts it afterwards, ie. ‘nc_load hb_test.bin 20 start‘ loads my test program to address 0x14 and starts it from there.
[Having read the previous post, you should know that you could omit the ‘start’ parameter and just poke 20 to address 0 to start the code]

Test, test, one, two, three…

And now the exciting part: Does it work? The easiest way to test this is good ol’ debug again:

C:\> debug
-o 151 41
-i 150

Yay! If this isn’t proving the sense of life, what else!?!? 😉 Ok, what happened here is simple. I wrote 41 to port 151 on which the C012 is listening for input, then I read from port 150 which is the result of adding 1 to the input. Quod erat demonstandum. Program is running successfully!

Be aware that after starting a programm, the NumberSmasher is continously running that code, i.e. peek & poke do not work anymore because the Boot-ROM is out of the game.
You have to reset the NC which is done in classic INMOS-style, i.e. sending a zero to port 0x160. Thats ‘-o 160 0’ in debug. NB: Resetting the NC does not clear its RAM. The previously uploaded program is still available and can be re-started by pokeing the start-address to 0.

The T9000

Again, might be the only place left in the World Wide Web where you can get more information about the flopped mysterious T9000 than what you will find on Wikipedia.

The T9000 never made it into the market in higher volumes. I don’t have any numbers on how many T9000 were actually produced but only a few were evaluated outside INMOS by universities and science facilities, most famous is probably the CERN, which did some benchmarks and tests. Here’s a (now funny) promotion video of those days:

By another lucky incident I got myself a HTRAM mainboard for Christmas 2011. It’s the QT9M from Quintek, a spin-off of INMOS back then. Three slots of this 6-slot board were populated, one featuring the mythical T9000!

This is the naked board, the QT9M:


At the first look you can see it’s a damn huge thing. At least one inch taller than the slot-backplate. But this way Quintek could squeeze 6 size-1 HTRAM slots (3×2 slots, horizontally) onto the card, while the “official” INMOS B108 (PDF) board just features 2 slots (but size-4, vertically).

The HTRAM slots in detail

(-> For a complete description of HTRAM visit this chapter of

Not all slots are offering the same features, though. Slot-0, slot 3 (the two middle ones) and slot-2 (lower left) offer the standard pin-blocks 1 and 2 as well as block 3 and 4.
slot-1 (top-left) offers the same pin-blocks but also a small 4×2 horizontally aligned block on its lower edge.
The same 4×2 pin-block can be found on HTRAM-slot 5 (upper right), but this time only the standard pin-blocks 3 and 4 are featured.
Finally, on slot-4 (lower right) only the standard pin-blocks 3 and 4 are featured, too, but it also has a 5×2 pin-block centred to the opposing edge of the standard pin-blocks.
My assumption is that pin-blocks 3 & 4 offer a direct connection into the T9000 memory map, so I’d call slot-4 & 5 “mem-mapped-ony slots”.

The interface logic

The interface logic on the board was kept surprisingly simple. Especially when you compare it to the already mentioned IMS B108, which had an FPGA and two C101 protocol converters.
Without any C101 you can be assure that there won’t be any downward compatible communication as we are used to with the T4xx/T8xx Transputers (OS-Link), so this will be a hard nut to crack :-/

Let’s have a closer look at the “logic side of things”:


There are only 2 ICs: An AMD MACH 210 CPLD and an AMD 4701, which is an 8-bit bi-directional 512 byte deep FiFo Buffer and parity-generator. Given the fact that there’s a place left for IC2, I assume a 2nd 4701 could go there to make the interface 16bit wide (as all 16 ISA data-lines are connected on the slot-connector).

This leads to my totally uneducated guesses, that:

  • The DS data-links are directly connected (through the FiFo) to the ISA bus
  • The control registers of the AM7401 needs to be set – if the default state is not sufficient

Quite a solid foundation to those assumptions is the following schematic I was able to dig out of the depth of the internet describing an IEEE 1355 interface. IEEE 1355 is the standard which was created out of INMOS’ DS-Links.


Everything else…

The function of the colourful DIP-Switch is yet completely unknown. It’s clear that some of these switches will set the base-address for communication with the ISA bus.
The sense behind the two Sub-D connectors at the cards backplate are unknown, too. Maybe some link-outs?

(To be continued…)

The SPEA Panther

This is really a rare breed… and yet another “cat of prey card” to be flopped: The SPEA Panther.


Basically, it’s an Intergraph Clipper workstation on an ISA-Card. As usual, you can find more details about Intergraph and the Clipper CPU architecture elsewhere.

Most likely built & released 1988, this full-size ISA board features a Clipper C100 CPU(set), 4MB of ram (expandable to 8MB) and quite some glue-logic, mostly buffers, lots of GALs, some DP-RAM – and sad enough: no EPROM.
Having no EPROM means it was “booted” by the hosting PC and there’s no clue of how to feed this beast, i.e. what kind of protocol it is talking to the ISA bus.

A german article in the endless archives of “Computer Woche” (21.10.1988) mentions this:

[…]Für den SPEA-Panther, einem Aufrüstungsboard für PC, steht jetzt die CAD-Software Intergraph Microstation zur Verfügung. Besonderes Merkmal dieser Software ist, daß der Kern unter Unix läuft, die Anwenderschnittstelle jedoch eine DOS-Lösung beinhaltet. Microstation liest und schreibt DOS-Files. Auf Grund der Lösung “Unix under DOS” ist die SPEA-Version von Microstation voll kompatibel zu Workstations.” (Source)


“[…]For the SPEA-Panther, a PC expansion card, Intergaph’s CAD-Software Microstation is available now. The particular feature of this software is that its core runs on UNIX while the user-interface is still hosted on DOS. Mircostation reads and writes DOS-Files. Because of the “Unix under DOS” solution the SPEA-version of Microstation is fully compatible to the workstation [version]”

So the Panther was probably running a full version of CLIX, Intergraph’s version of UNIX and the x86-Host was degraded to be the terminal… given the 1988 speed of PCs (Compaq just introduced the DeskPro 386 @ 16MHz), not the worst idea to have.
Well, if it wouldn’t to be the case that the Clipper architecture itself was dying a slow death over the next 2 years…and Autodesks AutoCAD was getting faster as 386/486’s were taking off…

That’s probably the reason why there’s next-to-none info about this card on the web… and print and newsgroups: Too expensive, too specialized, just a hand-full sold.

So just for the fun of it, here are some more detailed pictures of this “one of a kind”. The right half of the card has the ISA bus interface, four chips from Fujitsu marked MB622202 (my guess is it’s Dual Ported RAM), lots of 81C4256 DRAMs (32, so 4MB) and a mysterious gold-lid PGA Fujitsu chip marked C143C1C and 76460… could be anything. Ah, and a dip-switch… most likely for setting the I/O address or IRQ.


The left side of the card is dominated by the CPU daughter board, obviously provided by Intergraph itself (featuring the companies logo) as I had seen this kind of board before. Above the CPU are even more PAL/GAL chip.
And again, the unknown C143C1C chip, now in its full glory. Next to the chip a 60MHz oscillator which lets me guess that the C100 runs at 30MHz… a bit below standard for C100s.


When buying the card my hope was that there might be more enlightening stuff below the CPU daughter-card. But as most times in life… there was nothing worthwhile 😉


Just lots of TTL logic and buffers… the PLCC on the left is a N82C54… a CHMOS programmable interval timer… boring.

So to conclude this chapter, I guess I won’t make this card run again – ever. It’s just another example of how undecided the computing world was around 1988. There where more than one way to reach your target (speed) but most of them failed. Still I think it was much cooler than today.

Update 2016:

Found an interesting auction on ePay… this is the original Clipper card – which seems to be the “blueprint” for the Panther… SPEA just replaced the tons of discrete logic by some ASIC chips, which made room for RAM. On the  original cards that is placed on a separate daughter-card:
(Pictures courtesy of


The CPU card back side and RAM card front:


The CPU Module is the same as used by SPEA:


The Inmos B020

Well, normally I wouldn’t list Inmos’ expansion cards here, as they’re normally just TRAM carrier boards and very well documented at the usual places… but for this card, it’s different.

Not only that there isn’t any documentation of the IMSB020 (just a brochure over at Rams page) but this specific card is an updated version of that described in the brochure… I’d call it Rev.2.
It has a T805 instead of a T4xx and probably some more additions…

Ok, first of all: What is the Inmos B020 anyway? It’s being sold as a “X11 server on a card”… I’m intentionally writing ‘being sold’ because that just one way of usage.
More generally spoken, it’s an ISA card with a Transputer (with 4-12MB RAM) and a graphics controller on it, an Inmos G332 to be precise. That Transputer controls the G322 and can therefore create graphics onto a VGA screen connected to the board.

As an avid reader of GeekDot, this should sound familiar to you because it was the typical 90’s approach of High-End Graphics… see the MiroTiger or the SPEA i860 boards.

With the right software being booted into the Transputer, it may act as a X11 (R4) Server… but it could also used as a native Transputer system, e.g. running Helios or some OCCAM code and still create graphics with the G332 controller. As a nice add-on, the card features two size-2 TRAM slots, so more transputers or devices could be added into the equation.
Ah -and as a side note- most people called the B020 “the BOZO“… not very kind but it gets a credit for its pre-l33tc0de usage.

This is how my ‘rev.2’ looks in it’s full glory:


As usual, we go into more detail looking at each half of the card.In this full-view, you can identify the two TRAM-slots by the yellow markings at the lower edge of the card saying “SLOT 0” and “SLOT 1”.

So let’s start with the right half of the B020:


At the right-most edge, there’s the VGA-in and VGA-out connector, so that you can loop-through the video signal from your regular graphics-cards (a fancy ET4000 for example ;-)).

Between the two VGA connectors is an 8-pin Mini-DIN connector, which has this pinout:

1 Error/ (in)
2 Analyse (out)
3 Tram2 Link 2 out
4 Ground
5 Tram2 Link 2 in
6 Onboard T800 link1 out
7 Reset (out)
8 Onboard T800 link 1 in

The upper 2/3, starting with the golden IC (IMSG322F-85F) is all graphics part. Which consists of the G322 controller, 1MB VRAMabove him and some latches and 3 PALs on the left of it.
Below the G322, next to the slot-connector is the ISA interface. That’s handled by a PAL (with the sticker peeling off) and 4 buffers/transceivers and a bit more “chicken food” around them.
Of course there’s also the inevitable 5MHz oscillator which is needed in every Transputer household.

Let’s move to the left half of the card:


This is ‘where the music plays’. At the lower edge of the right side you can spot the C012 guarded by two PALs (with white labels) who handles the ‘Bus data-to-Transputer’ translation. The two PALs are most likely the subsystem (i.e. handling Reset, Error, the 012’s RS0/1 registers etc.).
Then there is the King of the Hill, the Transputer himself – a T805-25 in a quite rare PLCC packaging. To his left are 4MB of RAM in ZIP-packaging, most likely configured and controlled by the two PALs below him.
Finally, there are 4 SIMM slots to expand the Transputer memory further to a whopping 8MB! As you can easily see, there are unpopulated solder-pads between the ZIP-RAM ICs (as well as the VRAMs). My assumption is that you could order this card with 8MB soldered, which lead to a max. RAM of 12MB, like mentioned in the brochure on Rams page. But I fear the PALs of the RAM-subsystem need to be programmed accordingly to support the larger amount of RAM (added later: And boy was I right!).

So much for the theory of the B020… and it might stay so for some time, because my B020 is was broken 🙁

But I’m working on it and one fine day you will see an X11 server in an XT-PC at blazing speed 🙂



[Nearly 4 weeks later…] As promised, I worked hard on getting the BOZO back to life. It started with weeks of tracing connections of the complete bus-interface, ie. ISA-Bus to the buffers/transceivers, the PAL next to the ISA-bus, the C012 link-adapter etc.etc…
Then, knowing the signals now, came days of staring at the logic analyser, many many mails with Mike Brüstle and lots of hacking with DOSes debug.exe.
Finally it became clear that the PAL 0211 was somehow “confused” and therefore not controlling the bus as it should do. Because there’s no documentation neither of the B020 nor of its PAL equations (like there is for e.g. the B008) I had to go the long and bitter route of reverse-engineering.

So first thing is to remove the faulty part which proved to by a bit tricky – which is a short story of its own available in the DIY-section of this page.
So in went a proper socket and a copy of the original PAL (now a “modern” GAL). The copy proved to be a 100% one… which means not working as it should. But somewhat different than the tries I did before…it was erratic. For example only on I/O port 0x200 I was able to get something useful out of the signals (eg. a well timed /OE for the ‘244 buffers) while jumpering the IO range to 0x150 or 0x300 gave total silence. So I went one step closer to the bus, listening to what the PAL gets on its A4-A11 lines.
There you go! A4-A6 were constantly high and A7 glitching while A8-A11 was happily bouncing. According to my tracing A4-A7 were handled by a different ‘244 than those working. So Sauron turned his eye on the little SMD octal buffers… out went the solder iron and all pins of all buffers were re-soldered.

Lo and behold, the next ispy run on 0x200 worked! Heureka!

Next up: Why is it working on port 0x200 only? Learning from the ‘244 issue I checked all solder-pads concerning the jumper for port 0x150 (that’s J5). Everyhing looked nice and re-soldering didn’t change a bit. So it was the PAL who was suspicious… again.
Luckily INMOS refrained from setting the protection fuse on the PAL, so not only I was able to copy it but also the read its programming. I was thinking about recoding the whole thing and started doing so when I stumbled across a missing “.oe” (Output Enable) for exactly that input-pin connceted to the J5 jumper. So quickly adding

/f14 = gnd
f14.oe = gnd

to the code, compile, burn, plug it into the socket. Tadaa! The B020 now also talks to 0x150… and 0x300 respectively.
[BTW: This happened right at the 30th birthday of DOS. Don’t know if it’s a good or bad sign… at least DOS is my favourite debugging tool 😉 ]

For those who happen to have the same issues with their B020 (erm, that’s probably 1-2 people on this planet by now), here’s my documentation and .jed file for the “PAL 0211B”.


Well, as said in Axels 10 commandments: “Thou should not leave a socket unpopulated!”
And my B020 has a lot of ’em. So I started with the Transputer RAM.
In preparation I checked if the empty solderpads (as you can see in the above pictures) do get all the required signals… well, kind of: I was lazy and just checked /OE with my logic analyser and there was a signal in sync with the one of the already installed RAM. Also all Data- and Addresslines were connected… so it was worth a try!

But I should have known it before: After clearing all 160 pin-holes from the solder, puting self-made zig-zag sockets in place and filling them with the appropriate 1Mx4 RAM chips ispy/mtest still reported just 4MB of RAM :-/

Obviously PAL0214, sitting right below the ZIP RAM was playing an important role here. So the good old routine of “buzzing it through” began. After 2 days I pretty much figured out the purpose of each pin of PAL0214. Yes, it must be the RAM decoder.
So there was no way around removing, reading and replacing it… like with PAL0211.
This time I got myself a desolder-gun – a hell of a facilitation! Again, luckily the PAL wasn’t protected so reading it wasn’t an issue.
As expected, the decoding for the 2nd RAM bank was missing – no idea where the initial measured /OE signals came from.
After the decoding of 1st 4MB ZIP RAM the SIMM RAM followed immediately – so I had to squeeze in the 2nd bank of 4MB ZIP RAM and let the SIMM RAM follow after that. Even my VHDL/PAL Equation skills are quite limited it wasn’t as hard as I expected. Compile, program, put the new GAL16V8 in place, start ispy/mtest, cross fingers….

Using 150 ispy 3.23 | mtest 3.22
# Part rate Link# [  Link0  Link1  Link2  Link3 ] RAM,cycle
0 T805d-25 340k 0 [   HOST    ...    ...    ... ] 4K,1 12284K,4;

Yay! 12MB including the SIMM RAM!! Here’s the view of a “BOZO to the MAX” 😉


Double the VRAM!

The last step in bringing the BOZO “to the max” was adding more VRAM, i.e. 2MB.
So first you have to get two more AM29C841 9-bit latches (or compatible parts, like those 74FCT841 I’ve used) in SO-24 package. That SMD package is still quite easy to solder onto the board. Here’s a before-and-after picture:


On the right-hand side of the latches you can already spot the empty solder-holes for the VRAM. Like with the DRAM expansion before, I made my own sockets by using two 1×14 pin sockets. This is what the now fully populated VRAM section looks afterwards:


The first run using “ixcheck” from the INMOS iX package went without errors and the /OE signals of all the ‘841s are driven correctly according to my logic analyzer. I was a bit scared that INMOS might have again not completely programmed the PALs (left to the latches) to support this memory expansion but it seems I’ve been lucky.

Next up: Find a tool using the 2MB and confirming that the extra VRAM is actually usable.


This is a hack which is very similar to the DesperRAM. It was born out of pure despair, so it’s neither elegant nor very clever – but it works and that’s what counts.

During the “BOZO resurrection“, I had one specific PAL under suspicion to not working correctly any more. That PAL was soldered (i.e. not socketed) onto the board in a very tight spot, so I wasn’t able to cut the pins as close as possible down on the board.
I know, there are special pliers which can somewhat around corners, but my trustworthy Knipex (The pliers maker in the world, full stop.) can’t. So I had to cut the pins right at the PALs package – easy and quick.

The downside is that this method leaves you with a leg-less IC… and if you then decide it might be useful to read-out that IC (like I did) it’s time to slap your forehead :-/
But not so fast, young Padawan. Despair has the advantage that it normally can’t get worse, so nothing to lose. Even you cut the legs off you still can spot the tiny remains leading into the package. So why not trying to replace the amputated legs with artificial limbs!?

My initial thought was soldering new pins to the package, but the remaining connection is way too small to allow anything to be soldered to it but a human hair.
So I used a socket, turned upside-down, slightly bent the legs inward, squeezed the PAL between the sockets legs and carefully soldered the pins to the case-connectors. Finally I put small bits of wire into the sockets empty holes to create new pins to connect the whole thing to my GAL-programmer. Voilá: FrankenPAL


Yes, it looks horrible and I was quite sure that this doesn’t work but it just costed me 10 minutes, so what the heck, let’s try read-out that beast.

What should I say? It worked right on the first try… So never despair as long as you have a working solder iron 😉

Olivetti CP486

The Olivetti CP486 was “the other” machine on the market which provided an 80486 and an 80860 on the same mainboard. The same board was used in Olivetti machines called LSX-5010 (25MHz) or LSX-5020(33MHz).
Like the Hauppauge 4860, it was an EISA bus system too, had no 2nd level cache but an extra socket for a Weitek 4167 FPU. Again very similar is the use of an huge array of PALs and GALs… and huge is the keyword for its size:  40,5 cm x 34 cm (16″ x 13.4″)!


My CP486 which I’m showing here seemed to have been through very though conditions. It was quite dirty and is of course not working :-/ Mainly due to a missing PAL, I guess (shown in the following picture).
So here’s the lower part of the board (90° tilted for better reading):


At the top the i486, in this case an DX2/50 I had lying around – nicely fitting the 25MHz oscillator to the right of it. At the edge of the photo you can see a bit of another socket. That’s where the optional Weitek FPU would have go (See the picture of the total view).
Next you’ll spot the many PALs around it. And a wild mixture it is! All PALs/GALs on the board are from different manufacturers, years and kinds. Some still featuring labels, most of them peeling off. According to the only documentation I was able to find, “in field” upgrades seemed to happen quite often. The little red arrow indicates the missing PAL at “U82” I talked about before. It should be a 16R4 containing the snoop-control, a vital part of the memory management. Without it, the board is pretty much brain-dead 🙁
Next are 8 slots for PS/2 SIMMs… depending on the BIOS version up to 64MB RAM were usable.

In the low left corner is what made this board special: The i860 socket. The 3 PALs above it are his address decoders… nothing is known about how the two processors shared the RAM.

Which leads us to the other half of the board:


This part is mainly chip-set stuff. At the top left there are the Intel 82358 EBC and 82537 ISP (See my Knowledge-Base article for more info) ICs.
The rest of the action is squeezing into the lower right corner: On top the WD16C552 Serial and Parallel Port Controller. The other two bigger PLCC ICs are EP1800 CPLDs supposedly working as I/O controllers. To their right is a 8742AH handling the PS/2 keyboard and mouse.
Below that there’s the inevitable DALLAS clockchip, a 64kbit EEPROM (probably EISA config) and a 1Mbit 28F010 Flash EPROM for the BIOS. Pretty modern stuff actually.
Naturally I read out the BIOS… it’s completely Olivetti propriety as they always did back in those days (Download available at the end of this page).
Last but not least, the power connector. Again, propriety but I do have the original power supply. Nice big paper weight.

The EVC-1

Like the Hauppauge 4860 (again), the CP486 also offered a special Graphics Card which enabled the i860 to directly write into its video memory, so it could be used as an accelerator.
While Hauppauge went the way of offering a special dedicated slot, Olivetti designed a special EISA Video Card… well, the EVC-1.


While it features a standard EISA slot connector, it does not work in other EISA systems (You get the BIOS boot messages but it then hangs with wire-do chars displayed).

It’s core is a Chips & Technologies 82C452, a mediocre VGA chip.  Olivetti attached this DRAM VGA controller to 1MB dual-ported DRAM… This totally makes sense because the 82C452 can act as a simple VGA controller while the i860 will als be able to write to the screen (via EISA DMA) for example doing the heavy lifting graphics stuff. The idea is the same as Hauppauges Framebuffer but enhanced with a VGA controller.
That said, IMHO 1MB video memory is a bit less for such a professional approach.


So, here‘s the CP486 PDF-document I was able to find in the WWW including my BIOS dump.
If you happen to own a CP486/LSX50x0 I would be happy to hear from you!

Final anecdote: I’m not sure this guy (German forum, Google-Translate will most likely help) knew what he was doing when scavenging a complete, fine running LSX-5020 for a boring case-modding stunt. In a few years he will kick his ass for killing a one-of-a-kind machine for a boring mass-market PC.
That’s the same sin many Americans did to their vintage Ferraris when they replaced the somewhat complicated original engine with an off the shelf Ford V8 to make it reliable… and reduced its value to 10%. Sin! Sin I said!


It’s yet unclear how to write its name correctly. Some sources use XPlorer, others xPlorer and many other permutations. As my model has this logo at the front of its case xpl_logo

I’m going to use x’plorer. Having this burning issue off my chest, let’s go into details 😉

The x’plorer is more or less a single “slice” -Parsytec called them cluster– of a GigaCube, which used 4 of those clusters in its smallest 64-Transputer version (GC-1). Thus, the  x’plorer features 16 Transputers, each having access to 4MB RAM in a gorgeousdesktop case. If you want, you could call it a “GC-0.25”. xplorer_freigestellt

Sorry, but I have to rave a bit over its case design. I first saw it at CeBit fair 1995, when is was on display at the “IF forum design” (I explained that in the Parsytec intro already). I was literally pulled through the room and stood in front of it for minutes.
It looked like a typical FROG design work (Famous for the NeXT cube, Apple //c, some 68k Macs, SPARC Stations and much more) and I told this everybody who asked… but I just figured out I was wrong and it was actually designed by a relatively small studio called Via 4 Design.

The grey L-shaped base/back is made of sheet metal and contains the power supply in the base, a tiny bit of logic (described further down) and 2 big fans in the back.

The big blue main body is made of cast metal – no puny plastic crap. Yes, it’s heavy.
At first sight everybody thinks “hey, that’s a clever design, using the case as a heat sink!”. That’s obvious as those fingers/burlings sticking out to the left and right really do look like they are just that. And yes, as far as I was told, initially they planned to use them for cooling to circumvent noisy fans… but for some reason this didn’t work out and so they’re just a -admittedly very cool- design element.


Let’s open that beauty. After loosening two screws at the back you can remove the whole back-panel holding the 2 big fans. The first you’ll see will be a rather simple, 2-layer circuit board  containing the RS422 interface logic, i.e. 2 Am2631 and 2 Am2632.
This is the board removed from the case. Front:


….and the back. A bit patched, some resistors added.


Those extra cables and resistors were retrofitted to allow the user to “partition” the x’plorer into either 1×16 or 2×8 Transputers. Therefore my x’plorer has a simple switch on its back to either select the full or half system. As there are 4 connectors in the back (2x TTL, 2x RS422) two users can use the system at the same time.

After removing the L-Shaped base from the main part, you can slide-out the blue side-panels leaving you with the dark grey frame holding the main circuit board… looking like this:


You might wonder about the ‘workshop environment’ – well, actually you need quite some tools to open the x’plorer. Like with some Italian cars ;-), you need a different screwdriver for each screw. Here’s what I remember: Allen key size 2, 2.5 and 3. Also handy are a Torx size 3 and a Phillips size 2 as well a a rubber hammer to carefully removing the dark-grey frame (consists of 3 parts).
All in all, given the wild mixture of techniques and material used, I have the strange feeling that the x’plorer was created in a somewhat shirt-sleeve approach.

After some wiggling, careful knocking and a bit of cursing, you will have the main circuit-board laying in front of you – actually there are two boards, back-to-back, connected by a tiny backplane still hidden in the metal frame in the picture below.
Definitely this is the high-tech part of the whole x’plorer using state-of-the-art technology of its time (1992):


A closer look

The boards layout is nice and clean. You can understand its design by simply looking at it – so let’s do so. Here’s a top-view of 3 ‘Blocks’ or ‘Columns’ as an example… all 16 look the same:


At the Top there’s the T805-30MHz Transputer. Right below is an IDT49C460 which is a 32-bit Error Detection and Correction chip which generates check bits on a 32-bit data field. Then there a lots of buffers and drivers which connect to the 4MB of RAM below them (80ns, so 4 cycle speed). Nice little feature: 2 SMD LEDs for error and running.

On each side, between 4 of those ‘blocks’ are two of those little circuit boards seated in 2 sockets (labelled ‘U1004’ and ‘U1005’). These are hard-wire replacements for the normally installed C004 link switches. Normally means if this cluster would have been installed in a GigaCube, there would be 4 C004s on each cluster allowing free and dynamic configuration of the Transputer network topology. So in an x’plorer you have to live with a fixed 4×4 network, which is not bad, because configuring 4 C004s can be painful 😉


At the same spot, there’s a nice marking of the ‘fathers’ of this board, namely Mr. M.Vyskcocil and L. Wassmann.
Also, the official product name of this board is “GCT8PEDC” and it’s Revision 1.3.


The “other x’plorer”

Well, yes, there was another x’plorer in existence. As with the GC-system, Parsytec later offered the “PowerXplorer”- you may guessed it already: It used the cluster from the PPC601 powered GC systems. I wrote a dedicated post over here about those hybrids, bastards, you-name-it 😉

Let’s roll

Now that we know what’s inside that beautiful case, let’s see if it’s still working. As mentioned before, Parsytec had a special way of resetting the Transputer(s). Instead of resetting all the Transputers in the network the same time (like INMOS did), Parsytec systems had been designed that each Transputer can reset its 4 direct neighbours. So you need to load a special software into a Transputer to do so.
That said, after powering-on the system, all Transputers will be reset automatically. This is the only chance to run standard Trasputer tools like ‘ispy’… once.

So I connected my trusty old Gerlach card to my selfbuilt RS422 interface and brought a cable from there into the x’plorer.
At its back, the x’plorer features four 8-pin sockets made by LEMO (Sockets are EGG.2B.308, so the plug might be FGG.2B.308 I guess) lloking like this:



If you’re lucky enough to own one of those expensive plugs/cables, this is the wireing:

      1        1 Reset out+    2 Reset out-
   2     8     3 Link out+     4 link out-
  3       7    5 Link in-      6 Link in+
   4     6     7 Reset in-     8 Reset in+

I you don’t have a LEMO plug, use the 2×5 sockets inside the x’plorer case right behind the LEMO sockets.  Their pin-out should be:

10  RO+  RO-  9
 8  LO+  LO-  7
 6  NC   NC   5
 4  LI-  LI+  3
 2  RI-  RI+  1

Now let’s call ispy and see what happens…

Using 150 ispy 3.23 | mtest 3.22
# Part rate Link# [  Link0  Link1  Link2  Link3 ] RAM,cycle
0 T800d-24 265k 0 [   HOST    1:0    ...    ... ] 4K,1 1024K,3;
1 T805d-30 1.3M 0 [    0:1    2:1    3:2    4:3 ] 4K,1 4092K,4.
2 T805d-30 1.8M 1 [    5:0    1:1    6:2    7:3 ] 4K,1 4092K,4.
3 T805d-30 1.8M 2 [    7:0    ...    1:2    8:3 ] 4K,1 4092K,4.
4 T805d-30 1.8M 3 [    6:0    ...    ...    1:3 ] 4K,1 4092K,4.
5 T805d-30 1.8M 0 [    2:0    9:1   10:2   11:3 ] 4K,1 4092K,4.
6 T805d-30 1.8M 2 [    4:0   11:1    2:2    ... ] 4K,1 4092K,4.
7 T805d-30 1.8M 3 [    3:0   10:1   12:2    2:3 ] 4K,1 4092K,4.
8 T805d-30 1.8M 3 [    ...   12:1    ...    3:3 ] 4K,1 4092K,4.
9 T805d-30 1.8M 1 [    ...    5:1   13:2   14:3 ] 4K,1 4092K,4.
10 T805d-30 1.8M 2 [   14:0    7:1    5:2   15:3 ] 4K,1 4092K,4.
11 T805d-30 1.8M 3 [   13:0    6:1    ...    5:3 ] 4K,1 4092K,4.
12 T805d-30 1.8M 2 [   15:0    8:1    7:2    ... ] 4K,1 4092K,4.
13 T805d-30 1.8M 2 [   11:0    ...    9:2    ... ] 4K,1 4092K,4.
14 T805d-30 1.8M 3 [   10:0    ...   16:2    9:3 ] 4K,1 4092K,4.
15 T805d-30 1.8M 3 [   12:0   16:1    ...   10:3 ] 4K,1 4092K,4.
16 T805d-30 1.8M 2 [    ...   15:1   14:2    ... ] 4K,1 4092K,4.

Tadaa! There they are: 16 30MHz Transputers running at full steam ahead! Some intense brain-boggling hours later, I was able to draw a “mesh-map”:

|   |   |   |
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   |

After this ispy run you can’t reset the network again if you don’t use proper Parsytec tools… or Helios.

So quickly running the ispy output through my little Perl script (available in the Helios chapter on this page), some small adjustments and here it is, the Helios network map:

Network /Net {
Processor 00 { ~IO, ~01, , ; system; }
Processor IO { ~00; IO; }
Reset { driver; ; pa_ra.d }
processor 01 { ~00, ~02, ~03, ~04; }
processor 02 { ~05, ~01, ~06, ~07; }
processor 03 { ~07,    , ~01, ~08; }
processor 04 { ~06,    ,    , ~01; }
processor 05 { ~02, ~09, ~10, ~11; }
processor 06 { ~04, ~11, ~02,    ; }
processor 07 { ~03, ~10, ~12, ~02; }
processor 08 {    , ~12,    , ~03; }
processor 09 {    , ~05, ~13, ~14; }
processor 10 { ~14, ~07, ~05, ~15; }
processor 11 { ~13, ~06,    , ~05; }
processor 12 { ~15, ~08, ~07,    ; }
processor 13 { ~11,    , ~09,    ; }
processor 14 { ~10,    , ~16, ~09; }
processor 15 { ~12, ~16,    , ~10; }
processor 16 {    , ~15, ~14,    ; }

Obviously you have to ‘compile’ a .map file out of that and adjust your initrc file – all this is described in the above mentioned Helios chapter.
When you have done everything correctly, Helios will happily boot your x’plorer and you can enjoy the mighty power of 16 (well, 17) Transputers!