This was something you could have forseen: The last empty slots on the Inmos B020 were finally filled. 2MB of VRAM… woohoo! Go to the bottom of this page to see it in its fully glory.
Category Archives: News
Say “Hi” to Parsytec
The Transputer section got a brand new chapter. Parsytec, maybe one of the biggest manufacturers of Transputer Supercomputers got its own little corner.
Today, were starting with the two machines called GigaCluster and the gorgeous x\’plorer.
The (other) lost son
Finally I was able to get my hands to the other i486/i860 mainboard: The Olivetti CP486. Now both ever available combo-mainboards are at home at
Inmos B020
Another rarity found its way into the GeekDot vault: The Inmos B020, a complete X11 Server on an ISA card… what a combination! Transputer on a big expansion card… great!
Sadly it’s not working at the moment… but I’m working on it 😉
SPEA Panther
Another example of a failed way to speed up 1990’s PCs: The SPEA panther found it’s way into the GeekDot domain. May it rest in peace 😉
Another rarity – T9000
NumberSmasher works!
HUGE progress had been made with the MicroWay NumberSmasher-860! After nearly 4 years of lying in my rack, I finally got it running its first program after lots of reverse engineering. So join the party here!
T2A2.. Apple II now.
4 months after the T2C64, now the trusty old Apple II also can talk to Transputers… and vice versa.
Again, a cool video is available, so go see the T2A2 in action!
Transputers to 8bit machines
Added a new DIY project: Interfacing 8bit homecomputers to Transputers. First prototype for the C64 is working… even a video is provided! Woohoo!
New Transputer Cards added
And another sequel to the popular series of “Nowhere else on the Web” was just added:
Two Transputer/i860 boards from Caplin Cybernetics… packed with stunning hardware action and sexy support chips this will be a clear “Manly Hardware Award” nominee 😉