
Very well, while the filenames are streamlined now, we need to prepare Helios’ configuration files before we get things going.

So if you’re still in the Helios shell, exit it by pressing control-shift-F9.  This will return you to your hosts shell (DOS in case of a PeeCee).

Host configuration

There’s a central config file for your host, that’s your PC or more generally, the machine connected to the Transputer(s). This file is called host.con and tells the boot-programm everything it should know about your setup.
There is a host.con in your install already, but that most likely won’t fit your setup, so open it in a texteditor and adust it accordingly.
Here’s my setup which should be fine on most PCs using a Inmos B004 compatible host-interface (like the AVM B1 or most ISA-cards). I just quote the settings which might need to be changed to keep this short. The file has some documentation in-line, so read it. My comments are green:

BOGOMIPS=9999999 # This should tell the server that my PC's very fast
host          = AT 
# vs. PC, again a speed info
box           = b004 #
Important! Info about your interface card

helios_directory    = C:\trans\helios13 # adjust to your path if changed!

link_base = 0x150 # Important! Info about your interface card

processor_memory = 0x100000 # Define this if your card is a bit flaky, like the Gerlach :-/
# enable this if you plan to use ethernet networking.

Transputer configuration

Ok, we configured the PC-side (host) now for the Transputer side of things. For a simple start we will use just one Transputer, most likely living on your interface card.

BIG caveat: Never forget that Helios is handling text-files the UNIX way, ie. Linefeed is LF, not CR+LF like in DOS! So editinginitrc or any other config-file (besides HOST.CON) needs to be in UNIX format. Don’t use DOS edit.exe! This will change linefeeds even if you use it just for viewing file, ie. not saving them.

The config file for this is ~/etc/initrc. The one that came with the installation archive is way over the top, so you have to edit it… here’s the basic version:

# Helios System Configuration File
# This file is interpreted by init to configure the system
# it is NOT a shell script.

# Start up the X server if required
ifabsent /window     run -e /helios/lib/window window

# Run login by itself without any of the networking software. This gives
# a single-processor single-user system
console /window console
run -e /helios/bin/login login

That should be it. Next step: Let’s boot the system!

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